- #The king of fighters 99 choice alternative costume color manual#
- #The king of fighters 99 choice alternative costume color series#
(More detailed summaries of each arc- and the individual games- can be found in the Analysis section.) The story involves a sinister plot to capture the powers of the Kusanagi, Yagami and Kagura clans and seize the sealed power of Orochi, and the question of just whose side Ash is on.
#The king of fighters 99 choice alternative costume color series#
The King of Fighters series started out as a crossover fighting game, featuring some of the most popular characters from SNK Playmore's (known as SNK back then) fighting game franchises: Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, as well as classic SNK games such as Ikari Warriors and Psycho Soldier, splitting them up into teams of three (four in the NESTS Saga), duking it out in one-on-one battles similar to its major competition at the time, Street Fighter.Īlthough the first game was merely intended to be a Mascot Fighter, the series became more popular than the others that inspired it, and an overreaching plot soon developed that took the other SNK fighters along for the ride. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.
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#The king of fighters 99 choice alternative costume color manual#
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